niedziela, 15 maja 2011

Editorial: Android's most wanted -- New phones with a current OS

Have you seen gingerbread?

Step into my time machine, and go back to May 20, 2010, with me.  That was the day Google released Froyo to the world with much fanfare and cheering.  I think a few little old ladies may have even cried.  In any case, we all were excited and looking forward to the day we could have some frozen yogurt for our Android phones.  Now back to today, and things still look about the same -- a year and a few days later and manufacturers are still shipping phones with Froyo, even though Gingerbread has been available since December of last year.  We're not talking about phones that languished forever and a day without getting an update, that's just as ridiculous, but best saved for another day.  This is about new phones, still being shipped and sold with a year old codebase -- and known security issues.  Hit the break and read along.


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